Friday, October 30, 2009

Consensual Tentacle on Paper Bags

Surprisingly I have not done a post on this Blog about the resurgence of the web comic that I draw co-write with with Scintilla San. Check out Consensual Tentacle every Monday and Friday for new comics about alternative people and their oh so normal problems.

Gilda Green
She works in the I.T. department of some big faceless soulless corporation and hates her Job. She spends her free time with her beau August either at their apartment, at the bar, or on some wacky adventure.

August Edwards
He is a struggling artist who is currently unemployed. He is based off of my dear departed friend Patrick "Pathetic" Herrman.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Paper Bag Yokai

I have fallen in love with the Japanese demons known as Yokai; they are so different and strange and have interesting back stories and modes of attack, they demand to be drawn. Here are a few that I drew on paper bags.

Here is Rokuro Kubi, this is the Snake-Necked Rokuro Kubi, who by day is a normal woman but at night her head leaves the room with her long neck and hunts for grubs or human vitality of Qi.

Here is Tofu Kozo, which means Tofu Boy. He temps people to eat the tofu and some times it kills them, some times it does nothing.

Here is my favorite, Azuki Arai;, he is a strange Yokai who lives in canyons in high mountains. Azuki Arai is the Bean Washer, he sings a song while he washes his beans.
"Wash me beans, or catch me a human to eat ... Shoki-Shoki! Shoki-Shoki!"
This song confuses passers by and makes them get lost and at times has been know to make them lose their balance and fall their deaths in their attempts to catch a glimpse of this Yoaki.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

King Potato

I have an odd obsession with potatoes, I like eating them, talking about them, and drawing them. This is just one of my many odd obessions (which also include fezes, handlebar moustaches, and the color blue). This is one of my pieces about a potato. As my last name is Royal I decided to create King Potato.

I originally did this as part of my Steam ID as King Potato. I drew this rather quickly and when I did it I thought it was sufficent and I might have even liked it. However, I now feel I could do better so I did.

Here is a doodle I did on a post-it.

The final version after I created the image in Illustrator and then textured it in Photoshop. Long live King Potato!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Gloom Cupcake

This is a painting that I did for Laura; she likes cupcakes (baking & eating them) and skulls. Our mutual friend Amaya used to call Laura "Gloomcake"; this gave me an idea and I started to do several sketches of cupcakes with skulls on it. I liked this one that had the little plastic skull cut out on the top. I'm not particularly pleased with how the little yellow light burst off the skull turned out, but I think it came out pretty cute regardless.