Friday, March 22, 2019

My dad died unexpectedly last Saturday due to heart attack caused by a blood clot; it was very sudden and I was not ready for it. I'm still not ready. My Dad was such a character; he was a hippy-dippy kid who grew up just trying to do his best. He was a musician (a guitarist to be specific), a poet, a song-writer, a collector, the toy man, a cook, an evolved Neanderthal, a galactic being, star dust, a philosopher, a list maker, a knower of esoterica, a late night rescuer, a task master, annoying, a sweaty Irishman, a weirdo, a hopeless romantic, a mamma’s boy, a brother, an uncle, a husband, and a father. He was a weirdo who always wanted me to pursue all of my creative dreams. He believed in me and was always a faithful cheerleader for me and whatever I was working on. He always made sure I knew he was proud of me and the ways in which I flew my own weirdo flag high. Looking at who I am today I can see all the aspects of who I am that are totally my dad. All the cooking, collecting, art, factoid obsessions,, being unabashedly myself and not caring what people think. I can see without a doubt how he inspired me to become the man I am today. Thanks for always believing in me, dad. I love you and will miss you always. ☀️🍭🌈

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